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Siebert Financial Corporation (“Siebert”) has a full range of brokerage and financial advisory services offered through its operating subsidiaries, affiliates and brands associated with Siebert Financial described below.

Muriel Siebert & Co., LLC Member: FINRA | NYSE | SIPC  – Provides brokerage and custodial related services and is the registered Broker Dealer and wholly owned subsidiary of Siebert Financial Corporation.

Siebert AdvisorNXT, LLC. (“SiebertNXT”) – A Registered Investment Advisor that provides investment advisory services and discretionary investment management for a fee. SiebertNXT is the brand name for Siebert AdvisorNXT, LLC. Prior to investing in a managed SiebertNXT portfolio, we will obtain important information from you about your financial profile and risk tolerances and we will provide you with a detailed investment proposal, investment Advisory Agreement and Wrap Fee Programs Brochure. These documents contain important information that should be carefully read before enrolling in a managed account program. Siebert AdvisorNXT, LLC. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Siebert Financial Corporation. Please read SiebertNXT Disclosures for more information.

Park Wilshire Companies, Inc. ("Siebert Insurance") - Offer insurance products and annuity investments through Park Wilshire Companies, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Siebert Financial Corporation. Please read Siebert Insurance Disclosures and Siebert Annuities Disclosure.

RISE Financial Services LLC ("RISE Prime Services") - is a registered Broker Dealer and subsidiary of Siebert Financial Corporation. RISE Prime is a division of RISE Financial Services, LLC.

Siebert Employee Share Plans & Siebert Corporate Services – Partners with public companies to offer share plan administration solutions and services on behalf of their employees. Please read Siebert Corporate Service Disclosure.

Siebert Online and SiebertNXT response and account access times may vary due to a variety of factors, including trading volumes, market conditions, system performance.

You should always carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of any investment before investing. Investing in securities products involves risk, including possible loss of principal.

Siebert Financial Corporation (“Siebert”) its affiliates & subsidiaries do not provide tax advice, and you should always consult your own tax advisor before taking any action that may have tax consequences.
© 2024 Siebert Financial Corporation
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